Sunday, September 5, 2010

Book Launch of the Century!

At least, I'd like to think so.  I'm happy and very proud of 4 years of work finally going somewhere.  It is my dearest dream to be able to write from home so I can be here for my boys no matter what they need, whenever they need it.  Oh yeah, and for my wife, too.
Seamus & Tessa: The World is Just the Beginning had been rattling around in my brain for a while, but I never got around to sitting down and writing it.  Pure procrastination there, and no doubt about it.  Something happened that shook me to my very core, and that got me to realize that nothing happens unless you do something about it.  You can live your life, or let it live itself and you just grab on for the ride.
4 years later, Seamus & Tessa (and James AND Andrew) are born. 
I hope that whoever has read it, is going to read it, wants to read it, or just wants to chat feels free to drop me a line anytime.  I'm up at 5 nearly everyday, making coffee, baby cereal and a peanut butter and Nutella sandwich. 
Here's hoping for a long and happy ride!

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